Lhasa Day trip list

Day Trip 1: Lhasa to Namsto lake -Lhasa

Morning drive to Namsto Lake about 250km around 4 hrs drive each way..  On the way you can have very nice view of Mt Nyenchenthangla ranges and Northern Tibet grassland area. After that you reach the Damxung town in Namsto area and passes through Lagenla pass(5194m) this is the highest point for this journey.  Namsto Lake is one of the highest salt water lake in the world. Altitude about 4718m from the sea level.  You can see a plenty of Tibetan nomad and yaks.  This day trip gives you experience of Tibet nomad life.

Day Trip 2: Lhasa to Yamdrok lake -Lhasa 110km drive each way

Driving bit to the south west of Lhasa you passes through famous Gampala pass(4794m) from the top of the pass you can have a sensational view of the Yamdrok lake and Mt Nyechkhangsar(7191m) after that drive toward to the lake bit hike near that lake altitude about 4488m from the sea level.