Day 1 Arrival in Lhasa [3680m]
You will be greeted by our local guide and driver and transferred to your hotel where you can relax.

Day 2 - In the morning visit the Potala Palace, the greatest monumental structure in all of Tibet. The Potala is 13 stories high and holds countless treasures and many rooms. Built in 637AD, the Potala has been home to the HH Dalai Lama lineage for more than a thousand years. Afterwards visit Jokhang temple, the holiest temple in all of Tibet. From the rooftop you will see pilgrims from all over Tibet prostrating in front of to the Jowo Buddha statue inside temple. Afterwards walk through the Barkor which is the most popular market and sacred walk for all Tibetans. Overnight in Lhasa.

Day 3 - visit Drepung, one of the three most famous monasteries in Lhasa. Once home to as many as 10,000 monks. Afterwards visit Sera monastery, where you can watch monks debate in the courtyard. Visiting Drepung and Sera monasteries will enhance your understanding about Tibetan Buddhism and its practices.

Day 4 - Lhasa-Gyaltse-Shigatse [4000m] 380km approx 8hrs.
Begin your adventure out of Lhasa. Along the way cross over the Kamba la pass [4794m] and the Karo la pass [5039m], which boast spectacular views. After Kamba la, arrive at Yamdrok lake, a holy turquoise-colored lake with stunning scenery. View Nyenchen Kangsar glacier above [7191m]. Time permitting, visit Pelkor Chode with Kumbum stupa, which was built in 15th century and a beautiful local king's castle "Dzong", continue drive through Nyenchu river valley and arrive in Shigatse. Overnight in Shigatse.

Day 5 - Shigatse-Sakya town [4300m] 160km, approx 3hrs.
In the morning, visit Shigatse Tashi Lhupo monastery which was founded by the first Dalai Lama "Gedundrupa" in the 15th century. Gedundrupa was one of the main disciples of master Tsong Khapa and this monastery is the biggest Gelukpa learning centre in the Tsang region. After the second Dalai Lama, Tashi Lhupo became the main monastery of the Panchen Lama and his successors. Also here is one of the largest bronze statues of Future Buddha "Martriya". Continue drive through Tso la pass [4500m] and arrive in Sakya town. Overnight in Sakya.

Day 6Sakya-Saga [4650m] 340km, approx 6,5 hrs.
Drive through high mountain passes with stunning views of snowy and rocky mountains. Overnight in a guesthouse at Saga town.

Day 7 - Saga-Zhongba-Paryang-Lake Manasarovar [4600m] 560km, approx 8,30hrs.
Drive through the grazing lands of yaks and sheep. A wide alley along Scenic Yarlung Tsangpo river and you will view the Himalayas and sand dunes. Late afternoon you will see first sight of Holy Mt Kailash and Lake Manasarovar. Overnight in a guesthouse by the lake.

Day 8Manasarovar-Tholing monastery-Tsaprang [3600m] 290km, approx 5hrs. 
Drive up to a high pass where you will see a massive view of the Himalayas and scenery of Tsaparang region. Afterwards visit Tholing monastery which was built by great Tibetan translator Rinchen Sangpo at the beginning of the 10th century. and there are wonderful mural painting in the monastery and many stupas around.continue drive 18km to ancient Guge kingdom.Will make the sun set pictures.Overnight in Tsarang Family guesthouse.

Day 9 - Tsarang-Darchen [4610m ]260km, approx 5hrs.
In the morning, will make the sun rise picture of Guge kingdom and Tsarang valley. Guge ancient kingdom was dated back to 10th century and there are four main temples to see,wall painting and statues display of the earliest example of Tantric Buddhist art.In afternoon drive to Darchen and prepare for the trek around Mt Kailash Kora.

Day 10 - Darchen-Dirapuk [5000m] 21 km, approx 7.6hrs.
Commence the start 1st day of your Kailash trek at 8 am. Overnight in Dirapuk at the north face of Mt Kailash.

Day 11 - Dirapuk-Dolma la pass [5672m] -Zultulpuk [4630m] 18 km, approx 6hrs.
At 5.30am start the 2nd day of the trek to Mt Kailash. 

Day 12 - Zultulpuk-Darchen 13km, 3.30hrs.
At 8am start the 3rd day of the trek to Mt Kailash. Continue drive to Lake Manasarovar [4600m] 60km, about 1 hr. You can bathe in the hot spring and the lake. Overnight in guesthouse.

Day 13Lake Manasarovar-Saga [4700m] 560km, approx 8hrs.
Morning drive from Lake Manasarovar to Saga through Paryang and Zhongba. Overnight in Saga guesthouse.

Day 14 - Saga-Shigatse [4000m] 460km, 8hrs.
Drive from Saga to Shigatse alongside some beautiful lakes and nomad lands. Spend the evening in Shigatse city and overnight in Shigatse.

Day 15 - Shigatse-Lhasa [3680m] 270km, approx 5hrs.
Drive from Shigatse to Lhasa through Yarlung Tsapo River valley, where you will be able to stop for some great photos. Overnight in Lhasa.

Day 16 - Depart from Lhasa.