2018 Tibetan Festival

  • Tibetan New Year held on 1st day of 1st lunar month (2018=16th Feb )

  • Tsurpu Monastery Dharma festival held on 10th day of 4th lunar month (2018=24th May). Tsurpu monastery displays a big Thangka of Guru Rinpoche on the wall and monks show traditional Dharma dances.

  • Saga Dawa religious festival held for the full 4th lunar month (2018-29th- May ). Saga Dawa is the most auspicious month because Lord Buddha Shakyamuni was born and attained enlightenment and passed in to Nirvana in the 4th lunar month.

    • Ganden Monastery religious festival called the Great Golden Reliquary of Ganden is on the 15th day of the 6th lunar month (2018-27th-July).

  • Lhasa summer festival, known as "Shoten" or "Yoghurt festival" is held on the 30th day of the 6th lunar month (2018-11-Aug). In the morning, Drepung monastery displays a Thangka of Buddha Shakyamuni on the wall, and in the afternoon Sera monastery displays a Thangka of future Buddha on the wall. For the following 6 days, Tibetan people hold a big summer picnic in the summer palace. There are many Tibetan cultural shows held at this time, such as Opera dances and Lhamo.

  • Ganden Nyachu festival held on the 25th day of the 10th lunar month (2018- 02-Dec). Ganden Nyachu celebrates the Anniversary of Tsongkhapa, who was the founder of the Gelupa school.

  • Shridevi or Palden Lhamu's festival held on the 15th day of the 10th lunar month (2018-23-Nov). This festival is a great festival of women.

  • Gyaltse Pelkorchoe religious festival held on the 14th day of the 4th lunar month for two days (2016=20th May). 

  • Shigatse Tashi Lhunpu Monastery religious festival held on the 13th day of the 5th lunar month for three days (2018-28-June).

  • Samye Monastery religious festival held on the 15th day of the 5th lunar month (2018-28-June).

  • Gyaltse horse races starts on the 20th July for a week (2018).

  • Nagchu Prefecture horse races starts on the 10th August for a week (2018).

  • Damxung County horse races starts on the 20th August for a week (2018).



The following carpet factories are the most famous in Tibet.  All workers are local Tibetans and they work on the carpets on the premises, singing as they weave, dye, spin and color by themselves. Production is 100% pure sheeps wool. These factories export carpets worldwide.

  • Potala carpet factory in Lhasa
  • Gyaltse carpet factory in Gyaltse
  • Shigatse Gang gyen carpet factory in Shigatse